Mil Industries Ltd


MIL Industries Limited is India's leading manufacturer of corrosion- and abrasion-resistant linings for the Chemical, Fertilizer, and other Process Industries in India and abroad.

Establishment in conjunction with Societe Chimique de Gerland, France, and Subsequent technical expertise from OHJI Rubber & Chemicals Co., Japan. MIL is the largest and most advanced Rubber lining facility in India, with a 40 percent market share in the Rubber Lining industry. It pioneered the Cold Bond Rubber Lining Technique for large storage tanks in India.

MIL also produces an extensive selection of Plastic lined Pipes & Fittings, PTFE Expansion Joints, PTFE lined Dip Pipes, Spargers, Thermowells, Plain / Corrugated PTFE Hoses, etc. They have the most advanced technology from M/s Fluorocarbon Company Ltd., United Kingdom, and their processing facilities and technical capabilities are on par with the best on the international market.

In addition, MIL provides Air Pollution Control Systems for dust and fumes removal and Carbon Adsorption Technology-based Solvent Recovery Systems.

MIL's well-equipped R&D Division is continually making available to its customers new / improved Rubber Compound formulations and Plastic Lining materials in order to accommodate increasingly demanding operating conditions.
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